scrollbar pong    v. 01             (best up to 5 points)


NOTE: my initial plan with this project was to be able to paste a link to a website and use the scrollbar off of that webpage as a paddle to play pong. However, I realized and accepted after time that due to security issues of accessing scrollbar data from websites that aren't your own, I can't manipulate other website data using iframe tags or object tags UNLESS I have access to their domain (which is obviously not the case). However, if I remake this project as a Google Chrome Extension, I may be able to make the game run over any webpage that runs in a Chrome browser. This may be a possibility in the future.
TL;DR I wanted the background to be a website and you use the scroll bar from there, it doesn't work.

You can open the debug menu by pressing 'D'. To close it, press any key.