Monopoly Sim

rounds: 0

What is Monopoly Sim?

Monopoly Simulator (or Ancapistan Simulator) is an economic aggregation simulator modelled after an analogy described on Episode #1769 of the Joe Rogan podcast (27:00 - 28:22). The analogy used by Jordan Peterson explains how economic aggregation occurs over time in an economy by using a hypothetical.

coin icon

How does it work?

Each run, every trader will have the opportunity to "trade" with a randomly selected other trader. A 50/50 coin flip determines if a trader earns a coin from the other trader, or loses a coin to the other trader. If the trader surpasses a certain number of coins (calculated dynamically per trade), the trader's status will be updated. If a trader runs out of coins in their wallet, they will enter "Poverty", meaning they are no longer a part of the simulation and can no longer trade. Over time, the concentration of wealth should "aggregate" towards a small group of the population, which you can analyze viewing the different charts (explained below).


Traders have 2 properties (and additional back-end properties) that are used to update their statuses. The main properties are the wallet which is the amount of coins in their pocket (initialized to 10 coins), and their status. Traders have 5 statuses that divide them. They are...

poverty icon

A trader enters this state when they have 0 coins in their wallet.

lower class icon

When a trader's wallet size is within the 25th percentile of the population.

middle class icon

The initial status. When a trader's wallet size lies within the 25th and 75th percentile of the population.

upper class icon

When a trader's wallet size is greater than the 75th percentile of the population.

Top 1%
top one percent icon

A capitalist swine to represent the top 1% of the population (ie. the richest trader). Their can only be one.

The Charts

There are 2 types of charts to analyze data, the Demographics graph and Trader History graph.

The Demographics Graph

This graph analyzes the economy as a whole by comparing the wallets and statuses of each trader.

The Wealth Distribution Graph is a line graph that compares how each trader is doing compared to each other in ascending order. This graph most clearly analyzes the trend of economic aggregation. The X axis compares the traders ID against their wallet size.

The Class Distribution Graph is a bar graph that counts the number of traders lieing within each economic status. This graph inverts itself over time from a normal distribution to an inversed distribution.

The Poverty Graph is a scatter plot graph that shows how many rounds until a trader enters poverty. Generally, it takes longer for traders to lose all of their wealth when their is less money moving around. The X axis increases exponentially by a factor of 10^x rounds, the Y axis counts the number of traders left.

The Trader History Graph

This graph analyzes each trader's history as an individual. The X axis shows what round the trader is currently at or which round they entered poverty in relation to the amount of coins in their wallet. To view a trader's stats, hover or click on a trader. You can also view their average with the checkbox.

Special Indicators

The indicators are special stats that keep track of unique traders in the cycle. They are...

lucky icon

The lucky stat shows who gained the most money in 1 trade cycle. The number indicates the amount of coins gained.

unlucky icon

The unlucky stat shows who lost the most money in 1 trade cycle. The number indicates the amount of coins lost.

popular icon

The popular stat shows who gets traded with the most in 1 trade cycle. The number indicates the amount of times the trader was traded with.

If there are 2 or more traders that have tied with the same numerical value related to the special indicator (ie. most gained coins, lost coins, most traded with), the special indicator will not appear for that trade cycle. There can only be 1 "best" trader at a time to represent a specific special indicator.

The "Tug-Of-War" problem

As wealth concentrates into the hands of a small few, the number of turns it takes for a trader to enter poverty is increased exponentially. This is because their is an increased number of turns that it will take to chip down the size of each trader's wallet. When there are 2 traders left, this is especially prevalent because their are less chances for multiple trades to occur (ie. multiple losses or multiple gains). Basically, the last 2 traders fight for a profoundly long amount of time until 1 trader is victorious and sometimes this will take so long that the program will crash.